Origin of Evsutin name
The study of the history of the Evsutin surname opens the forgotten pages of the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of curious about the distant past.
The generic name Evsutin is derived from the baptismal name and refers to a common type of Slavic surnames.
After 988, every Slav received a baptismal name from a priest during the official baptism ceremony. Such a naming allowed solving the problem of identification: the isolation of a specific person from society. That is why church names have become an active base for creating surnames.
Religious tradition, established in Russia with the adoption of Christianity, obliged to name the child in honor of a saint, revered by the Orthodox Church. Virtually all church names historically date back to the ancient languages - Greek, Latin, Hebrew, from which they were borrowed.
The family name Evsutin most likely goes back to the name of the ancestor Evsuit, which is an everyday form of baptismal Eusebius. This name comes from the Greek language and means “pious.” In the Orthodox name, this name appeared in honor of St. Eusebius.
The generally accepted model of Russian generic naming has taken shape not immediately, but by the beginning of the 17th century, most of the surnames were formed by adding to the base of the suffixes -ov / -e and -in, which gradually became typical indicators of Russian family names. By their origin, such naming conventions were possessive adjectives. The basis of their most often served as the name or nickname of the father.
Eusebius of Caesarea
Eusebius of Caesarea (/juːˈsiːbiəs/; Greek: Εὐσέβιος τῆς Καισαρείας, Eusébios tés Kaisareías; ad 260/265 – 339/340), also known as Eusebius Pamphili (from the Greek: Εὐσέβιος τοῦ Παμϕίλου), was a historian of Christianity, exegete, and Christianpolemicist. He became the bishop of Caesarea Maritima about 314 AD. Together with Pamphilus, he was a scholar of the Biblical canon and is regarded as an extremely learned Christian of his time.[1] He wrote Demonstrations of the Gospel, Preparations for the Gospel, and On Discrepancies between the Gospels, studies of the Biblical text. As “Father of Church History” (not to be confused with the title of Church Father), he produced the Ecclesiastical History, On the Life of Pamphilus, the Chronicle and On the Martyrs.
There is also an opinion that the name Eusey is a modified utterance of the Jewish name Joshua (Jesus), where the letter “O” – Jewish “Vav” – reads like “B”, “Sh” – Hebrew “shin” – reads like “C”, and the Hebrew ending “wah” (Greek “us”) is read in Slavonic “ey”.